In this town you need to be connected to get along, but my own instinct is to buck popularity and thumb my nose at the elite. Yet, I rub elbows with them and attend their parties. Some are scummy and some are sweet. I guess my challenge is not to sell out to the scum. Keep my integrity while furthering the advancement of Baby T. Maybe he gets a better opportunity.
I would rather we move to the bigger city where there is a mix of different cultures, art museums, festivals, the college campus, theatres, multiple parks, and (gasp)
I know I can instill that sense of adventure and daring regardless of where we live. I remind myself that big pond or little pond, my boy is a Koi, a most resilient fish. He will adjust to any environment I put him in.
P.S. If you have PJ Harvey singing in your head, your welcome. ;)
I want you to know... I admire you SO MUCH because you are indeed YOU. I am envious sometimes of the experiences you have had that shaped you into you, but then I know if I hadn't had my own experiences- I wouldn't be me... and then I wouldn't have you for my aweso. <3